
Abdullah Ibrahim (Dollar Brand)

The South African pianist Abdullah Ibrahim, (Dollar Brand),  at the Victoria Hall, Geneva, Switzerland. March 2010

Please, check and buy mp3's of Abdullah Ibrahim


bijinga said...

Silencioso, pausado...
Y, en cada instante...
fascinar penetrando por la fisura del tiempo...

Y, al son...
respiro sin forma frente al oleaje...
cuando la mente infinita crea el sentido más sensible...

Espléndido impacto....!!

Anonymous said...

I am drawn into the top photo on this page. It is wonderful. The gentleman playing the bass gives a feeling of intimate privacy with the instrument. The beauty of man holding a cherished "person" (the bass) and the appearance that his breath is actually being breathed into the strings is a great composition. His lips so close to the strings – whispering his passion into the music till they become one brings almost chills to look upon. The mutual love of musician, his/her instrument, the energy to create something living and share with others is heartfelt. The photo is an expressive picture of love in many ways.

But then love should always reign supreme in any form.


bijinga said...

Silencioso, pausado...
Y, en cada instante...
fascinar penetrando por la fisura del tiempo...

Y, al son...
respiro sin forma frente al oleaje...
cuando la mente infinita crea el sentido más sensible....


Don't forget to visit my other blog "Juan Carlos Hernandez - Life Photographer"

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